梅酒は英語で「Plum Wine」と訳すらしいです
梅は「Japanese Plum」のほうが正しく伝わるらしいとの情報から・・・
Goole(英語版)でJapanese Plumを画像検索した結果がこちら。
ちょっと青梅も混ざっていて、「Japanese Plum (ume)」と説明されています。「ume plum」や「ume fruit」だと、だいたいOKっぽいです。
若干モヤモヤしますが、英語版Wikipediaの「Fruit Wine」という記事の中で触れられていました。
Plum wine
Plum liquor, also known as “plum wine”, is popular in both Japan and Korea, and is also produced in China. In China, plum wine is called meijiu (梅酒). Plum wine is normally made with distilled liquor and soaked with plum. The alcohol level is higher than typical fruit wine, which is fermented with just fruits.
Goole(英語版)でPlum Wineを画像検索した結果がこちら。
「Plum」だけだと微妙な感じですが、「Plum wine」だと、たいてい梅酒。
Umeshu (梅酒?) is a Japanese liqueur made by steeping ume fruits (while still unripe and green) in alcohol (焼酎 shōchū?) and sugar. It has a sweet, sour taste, and an alcohol content of 10–15%. The taste and aroma of umeshu can appeal to even those people who normally dislike alcohol. Famous brands of umeshu include Choya and Takara Shuzo. Varieties are available with whole ume fruits contained in the bottle, and some people make their own umeshu at home.[citation needed]
世界のCHOYA! 世界の宝酒造!!